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Codrington House Residential Development Restrictive Covenants

Residential Estate 

  1. One dwellinghouse: There shall not be erected or built or caused or permitted to be  erected or built on any lot forming part of the Development or any part thereof any  buildings or erections other than one dwellinghouse/building of freehold construction for  residential purposes (not apartments, townhouses or condominiums) provided that any  additions to and/or extensions and/or replacement of any building or erection at any time  thereon shall not be carried out without the requisite Permission of the Chief Town  Planner. 
  2. No business: The Purchaser(s) must not at any time to use or cause or permit to be used  any lot forming part of the Development or any part thereof or any building or erection  thereon for the carrying on of any trade profession school church chapel or business  whatsoever (but the rental of the buildings or erections on any lot forming part of the  Development for residential purposes shall not be deemed to be the carrying on of any  trade or business). 


  1. One storey: No building or erection on lots 1-10 shall exceed one (1) storey of twenty  (20) feet in height from the highest point of the lot on which it is built and having an  internal floor area of no less than 112 square metres (1200 square feet). No one storey  building shall be constructed for an original cost (exclusive of the cost of the land on which  it stands) of less than two hundred thousand dollars currency of Barbados  (BDS$250,000.00). 
  2. Two storey: No building or erection on lots 11-67 shall exceed two (2) storeys of twenty eight (28) feet in height including basement from the highest point of the lot on which it 

is built and having an internal square of no less than 185.81 square metres (2,000 square  feet). No two storey building shall be constructed for an original cost (exclusive of the cost  of the land on which it stands) of less than Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars  currency of Barbados (BDS$350,000.00). 

  1. Certified plans: All buildings and erections on any lot forming part of the Development  shall not be constructed or made other than in accordance with detailed plans and  specifications with elevations prepared and certified by a qualified architect or designer all  being approved by the Vendor and subject to the requisite Permission of the Chief Town  Planner before any construction is commenced. 
  2. Material: No building shall be constructed with materials other than coral stone or  reinforced concrete blocks or hollow clays blocks or any similar building material nor with  a roof clad other than with clay tiles or wooden or asphalt shingles or enviro shake or  profile sheeting or other similar material but not with corrugated galvanized metal sheets. 
  3. Duration of Construction: Any building works in connection with the construction of a  house or houses or any erections thereon on any lot forming part of the Development  once commenced shall be completed no later than fourteen (14) months from the date  such building works commenced. 
  4. Finishes: All exteriors are to be finished within 60 days after practical completion of  construction or occupation (whichever is earlier) and all exteriors are to be finished to a  high standard with paint, coral render, towel plastic or similar material all of neutral  colours. 


  1. Good repair: Not to allow the building on the to fall into a state of disrepair and to ensure  that the same is maintained in good and substantial repair and condition.  
  2. Detached structures/erections: No detached garages or carports shall be developed,  constructed or installed on any lot forming part of the Development unless the 

architectural design of such structure is consistent with the residential unit and the  structure is approved by the Vendor subject to the requisite Permission of the Chief Town  Planner. Except as may be permitted by the Vendor no tent, utility shed shack, trailer,  outbuilding or other unattached structure shall be placed on the lot unless such structure  will be used for special short-term occasions. 

  1. Fences: Not to erect or construct or caused to be erected or constructed on any lot  forming part of the Development a fence or boundary enclosure made of or incorporating  corrugated sheeting such as galvanize, aluminium, zinc or other similar material and such  fence shall be at a height in accordance with the current Town Planning Regulations but  not exceeding six (6) feet. 


  1. Maintenance: Not to allow the gardens of any lot forming part of the Development to  become overgrown or untidy and to keep the grass thereon properly mown at all times  whether or not a dwellinghouse is constructed thereon. 
  2. Garden waste, etc.: No lumber, grass, shrubs, trees, clippings, plant waste, metals, bulk  material, scraps, rubbish, trash, garbage, or other waste material shall be permitted to be  kept, stored or allowed to accumulate on any portion of the areas of any lot forming part  of the Development except within an enclosed structure appropriately screened from view  erected for that purpose.  
  3. Verge: There shall not be planted or permitted to be grown any hedges, shrubs, trees or  plants other than grass on the verge forming any part of any lot and such grass shall be  kept properly mown.  


  1. Good repair: The area of any road reserve (including the verges and carriageway thereof)  which is included in any lot forming part of the Development shall not be permitted or  allowed to deteriorate or fall into a state of disrepair.
  2. No building material: No mixing of concrete or other construction works shall be  permitted on any road reserve (including the verge and carriageway thereof) in the  Development. 


  1. Vehicle storage and repairs: Not at any time to use or permit any lot forming part of  the Development for the parking or storing of vehicles with the exception of private  automobiles and passenger type vans, jeeps and pick-ups having a capacity of no more  than two tons of the owner or occupier of the lot provided that any such vehicle not in a roadworthy or useable condition shall not be so parked or stored on the lot unless it is in  a fully enclosed garage and neither shall any vehicle be restored or repaired on any lot or  roads forming part of the Development. 
  2. No public service or commercial vehicles: No buses, trucks, minibuses, route, taxis  trailers or any public service vehicles or any commercial vehicles shall be parked or stored  in or upon any lot forming part of the Development or the Open Area save that those  vehicles are permitted to make deliveries. 


  1. Pets: Not to keep raise or breed upon any lot forming part of the Development any animals, wildlife, livestock, reptiles or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on  any portion of the lots save and except dogs cats and common household pets and  provided always that such lots are fully enclosed by walls or fences. 
  2. Burning: No outside burning of wood, leaves, trash, garbage or household refuse shall be  permitted on any lot forming part of the Development. 
  3. Nuisance: No hazardous substances, materials, gasoline or other fuel shall be kept or  permitted to be kept on any lot forming part of the Development neither shall any lot be  used in whole or in part for the storage of any property or thing that will cause it to appear  to be in an unclean or untidy condition; nor shall any substance thing or material be kept 

upon any portion of any lot that will emit foul or obnoxious odours or that will cause any noise or other condition that will or might disturb the peace, quiet, safety, comfort, or  serenity of the Development.  

  1. Laundry: No clothing or household fabrics shall be hung, dried or aired on any lot  forming part of the Development in a manner which is visible from any roadway. 23. External transmitters: No exterior antennas, aerials, mast, satellite dishes, or other  apparatus for the receipt or transmission of television, radio, or other signals of any kind  shall be placed, allowed, or maintained upon the exterior of any building of any lot, neither  shall any radio station or shortwave operations of any kind be operated from the lot, unless  the prior approval of the Vendor is first obtained.  
  2. Utility Lines: No overhead utility lines, including without limitation lines for electric,  telephone and cable television, shall be permitted on any lot, except for temporary lines as  required during construction. 
  3. Signs: No sign, billboard, flag, banner, or advertisement of any kind including, without  limitation “for sale” signs and those of realtors, contractors and subcontractors, shall be  erected on the lot without the written consent of the Vendor. 

Town Planning 

  1. Not to breach planning permissions: To duly perform and observe such of the  conditions mentioned in and/or attached to all relevant permissions of the Chief Town  Planner insofar as the same are to be performed and observed by the owner or owners for  the time being of any lot forming part of the Development and to keep the Vendor and  its successors in title harmless and indemnified against any actions suits or other  proceedings in respect thereof. 
  2. Subdivision: No lot shall be subdivided nor shall its boundary lines be changed except  with the prior written approval of the Vendor subject to the requisite permission of the  Chief Town Planner.

Residential Development Restrictive Covenants

Residential Estate 

  1. One dwellinghouse: There shall not be erected or built or caused or permitted to be  erected or built on any lot forming part of the Development or any part thereof any  buildings or erections other than one dwellinghouse/building of freehold construction for  residential purposes (not apartments, townhouses or condominiums) provided that any  additions to and/or extensions and/or replacement of any building or erection at any time  thereon shall not be carried out without the requisite Permission of the Chief Town  Planner. 
  2. No business: The Purchaser(s) must not at any time to use or cause or permit to be used  any lot forming part of the Development or any part thereof or any building or erection  thereon for the carrying on of any trade profession school church chapel or business  whatsoever (but the rental of the buildings or erections on any lot forming part of the  Development for residential purposes shall not be deemed to be the carrying on of any  trade or business). 


  1. One storey: No building or erection on lots 1-10 shall exceed one (1) storey of twenty  (20) feet in height from the highest point of the lot on which it is built and having an  internal floor area of no less than 112 square metres (1200 square feet). No one storey  building shall be constructed for an original cost (exclusive of the cost of the land on which  it stands) of less than two hundred thousand dollars currency of Barbados  (BDS$250,000.00). 
  2. Two storey: No building or erection on lots 11-67 shall exceed two (2) storeys of twenty eight (28) feet in height including basement from the highest point of the lot on which it 

is built and having an internal square of no less than 185.81 square metres (2,000 square  feet). No two storey building shall be constructed for an original cost (exclusive of the cost  of the land on which it stands) of less than Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars  currency of Barbados (BDS$350,000.00). 

  1. Certified plans: All buildings and erections on any lot forming part of the Development  shall not be constructed or made other than in accordance with detailed plans and  specifications with elevations prepared and certified by a qualified architect or designer all  being approved by the Vendor and subject to the requisite Permission of the Chief Town  Planner before any construction is commenced. 
  2. Material: No building shall be constructed with materials other than coral stone or  reinforced concrete blocks or hollow clays blocks or any similar building material nor with  a roof clad other than with clay tiles or wooden or asphalt shingles or enviro shake or  profile sheeting or other similar material but not with corrugated galvanized metal sheets. 
  3. Duration of Construction: Any building works in connection with the construction of a  house or houses or any erections thereon on any lot forming part of the Development  once commenced shall be completed no later than fourteen (14) months from the date  such building works commenced. 
  4. Finishes: All exteriors are to be finished within 60 days after practical completion of  construction or occupation (whichever is earlier) and all exteriors are to be finished to a  high standard with paint, coral render, towel plastic or similar material all of neutral  colours. 


  1. Good repair: Not to allow the building on the to fall into a state of disrepair and to ensure  that the same is maintained in good and substantial repair and condition.  
  2. Detached structures/erections: No detached garages or carports shall be developed,  constructed or installed on any lot forming part of the Development unless the 

architectural design of such structure is consistent with the residential unit and the  structure is approved by the Vendor subject to the requisite Permission of the Chief Town  Planner. Except as may be permitted by the Vendor no tent, utility shed shack, trailer,  outbuilding or other unattached structure shall be placed on the lot unless such structure  will be used for special short-term occasions. 

  1. Fences: Not to erect or construct or caused to be erected or constructed on any lot  forming part of the Development a fence or boundary enclosure made of or incorporating  corrugated sheeting such as galvanize, aluminium, zinc or other similar material and such  fence shall be at a height in accordance with the current Town Planning Regulations but  not exceeding six (6) feet. 


  1. Maintenance: Not to allow the gardens of any lot forming part of the Development to  become overgrown or untidy and to keep the grass thereon properly mown at all times  whether or not a dwellinghouse is constructed thereon. 
  2. Garden waste, etc.: No lumber, grass, shrubs, trees, clippings, plant waste, metals, bulk  material, scraps, rubbish, trash, garbage, or other waste material shall be permitted to be  kept, stored or allowed to accumulate on any portion of the areas of any lot forming part  of the Development except within an enclosed structure appropriately screened from view  erected for that purpose.  
  3. Verge: There shall not be planted or permitted to be grown any hedges, shrubs, trees or  plants other than grass on the verge forming any part of any lot and such grass shall be  kept properly mown.  


  1. Good repair: The area of any road reserve (including the verges and carriageway thereof)  which is included in any lot forming part of the Development shall not be permitted or  allowed to deteriorate or fall into a state of disrepair.
  2. No building material: No mixing of concrete or other construction works shall be  permitted on any road reserve (including the verge and carriageway thereof) in the  Development. 


  1. Vehicle storage and repairs: Not at any time to use or permit any lot forming part of  the Development for the parking or storing of vehicles with the exception of private  automobiles and passenger type vans, jeeps and pick-ups having a capacity of no more  than two tons of the owner or occupier of the lot provided that any such vehicle not in a roadworthy or useable condition shall not be so parked or stored on the lot unless it is in  a fully enclosed garage and neither shall any vehicle be restored or repaired on any lot or  roads forming part of the Development. 
  2. No public service or commercial vehicles: No buses, trucks, minibuses, route, taxis  trailers or any public service vehicles or any commercial vehicles shall be parked or stored  in or upon any lot forming part of the Development or the Open Area save that those  vehicles are permitted to make deliveries. 


  1. Pets: Not to keep raise or breed upon any lot forming part of the Development any animals, wildlife, livestock, reptiles or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on  any portion of the lots save and except dogs cats and common household pets and  provided always that such lots are fully enclosed by walls or fences. 
  2. Burning: No outside burning of wood, leaves, trash, garbage or household refuse shall be  permitted on any lot forming part of the Development. 
  3. Nuisance: No hazardous substances, materials, gasoline or other fuel shall be kept or  permitted to be kept on any lot forming part of the Development neither shall any lot be  used in whole or in part for the storage of any property or thing that will cause it to appear  to be in an unclean or untidy condition; nor shall any substance thing or material be kept 

upon any portion of any lot that will emit foul or obnoxious odours or that will cause any noise or other condition that will or might disturb the peace, quiet, safety, comfort, or  serenity of the Development.  

  1. Laundry: No clothing or household fabrics shall be hung, dried or aired on any lot  forming part of the Development in a manner which is visible from any roadway. 23. External transmitters: No exterior antennas, aerials, mast, satellite dishes, or other  apparatus for the receipt or transmission of television, radio, or other signals of any kind  shall be placed, allowed, or maintained upon the exterior of any building of any lot, neither  shall any radio station or shortwave operations of any kind be operated from the lot, unless  the prior approval of the Vendor is first obtained.  
  2. Utility Lines: No overhead utility lines, including without limitation lines for electric,  telephone and cable television, shall be permitted on any lot, except for temporary lines as  required during construction. 
  3. Signs: No sign, billboard, flag, banner, or advertisement of any kind including, without  limitation “for sale” signs and those of realtors, contractors and subcontractors, shall be  erected on the lot without the written consent of the Vendor. 

Town Planning 

  1. Not to breach planning permissions: To duly perform and observe such of the  conditions mentioned in and/or attached to all relevant permissions of the Chief Town  Planner insofar as the same are to be performed and observed by the owner or owners for  the time being of any lot forming part of the Development and to keep the Vendor and  its successors in title harmless and indemnified against any actions suits or other  proceedings in respect thereof. 
  2. Subdivision: No lot shall be subdivided nor shall its boundary lines be changed except  with the prior written approval of the Vendor subject to the requisite permission of the  Chief Town Planner.